How to Capture and Bottle Know-How: Preserving Expert Knowledge with an 80% Reduction in Time to Proficiency


Employee arranging blank aluminum cans.

Knowledgeable experience in the metal can design

For over 160 years, Anheuser-Busch has been brewing the most popular beers in America. Nationwide, the company operates 16 local breweries, 17 distributorships, and 23 agricultural and packing facilities, representing 45.8% of the U.S. beer market. Since 1986, the Oklahoma City Metal Container Corporation (MCC) Lid Plant has produced millions of iconic cans that contain the King of Beers. Its mission is to deliver exceptional, unparalleled product packaging to consumers and other stakeholders.

By bringing together some of the most informed and experienced people in metal can design, this plant has consistently produced some of the most innovative designs for grocery shelves. The plant excels at taking creative packaging ideas and executing them in a way that not only catches the consumer’s eye but provides them with a great user experience that makes the first impression a lasting one.

For decades, the plant had fostered a loyal workforce: through 2017, employee turnover at the plant was less than 1%. However, with only a few new hires since 1998, the management team realized that a significant and valuable percentage of the workforce would soon be retiring. The loss of these highly trained workers would also mean an exodus of decades of skill and tribal knowledge and fewer people with the expertise to train new hires. Another concern: training new hires using traditional methods meant diverting experienced team members away from their usual responsibilities, which lowered daily production. Derek Shores, business process manager and trainer at MCC, set out to find a way to onboard new workers, train them quickly and effectively and minimize the impact on daily production targets.

I wish we’d had this sort of training when I started in 1999. With DeepHow, we don’t have to keep relearning lessons and repeating downtime.

Derek Shores, Business Process Owner

The DeepHow training videos accelerate the transfer of knowledge. And the platform supports our goals of resiliency and improvement by providing training on everything from big-picture machine overviews right down to granular skills for a specific operation.

Derek Shores, Business Process Owner

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